Mental Illness Awareness Week

October 6, 2022

Did you know that roughly 1 in 5 American adults suffers from a mental illness? A study of over 90,000 people worldwide found that the stigma of mental illness is one of the top reasons that people don’t receive care. This statistic only keeps growing steadily at an alarming rate.

The severity of this issue has often been overlooked due to the lack of understanding and awareness among the general populace. Our mental well-being is comparable to that of a verdant, rich garden. It demands frequent attention and careful maintenance. Our minds, like the beauty that grows forth in nature as a result of care and attention, require the same treatment.

The National Alliance of Mental Illness coordinates Mental Illness Awareness Week. This group’s objectives are to increase understanding of mental illnesses, combat prejudice, and offer support during Mental Illness Awareness Week. Across the nation, this has come to be recognized as a time for mental health activists to unite under a single banner.

Everyday is a new opportunity for us to clear our heads and start fresh. It is okay to struggle. All of us do. Let us always remember to be gentle with ourselves and be kinder to one another.

Harmony Hospice Care provides a complete range of caring and compassionate hospice services to residents of the greater Cleveland area.


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