National Social Work Month
March is a great time for a month-long celebration followed by recognizing social workers’ efforts in every community. With competence, integrity, and an appreciation of human relationships, social workers serve those in need while respecting their dignity and worth. As social workers, they are constantly reminded of these core values.
Over the past century, social work has been about breaking barriers, which is the theme for 2023. These professionals have played a vital role in driving significant and positive changes in our nation since the early 1900s, from working with immigrant populations, anti-lynching and women’s rights activists, to improving working conditions and benefits during the Great Depression and promoting equal rights during the Civil Rights era.
Social Work Month is an excellent time to recognize and highlight this commitment. As mindful individuals, it is worthwhile to shine a spotlight on the invaluable services offered through social work. Moreover, we need to acknowledge the clinical social workers who foster healing and growth in our organizations. Next time you see a social worker, don’t hesitate to let them know how they’ve made a difference in your life. This will only encourage them to take more life-changing steps as the cycle of empathy continues to grow!